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Home Bathroom New Arrivals Shower Gel "Zagare & Tonka Bean" - 500ml

Shower Gel "Zagare & Tonka Bean" - 500ml

Shower Gel "Zagare & Tonka Bean" - 500ml

Our body wash is designed according to a classic formulation and is characterized by an isodermal pH. The raw materials used meet the most demanding requirements of skin resistance and naturalness, and are indicated for the preservation of the natural lipid state of the skin coat. The finished product, in addition to giving a pleasant feeling of softness and well-being, plays a deep action detergent, without altering the ionic balance of the dermis. The high concentration of fragrance, enhanced by the hot water, envelops the body and spreads throughout the surrounding environment. The perfume features top notes of lemon, bergamot, juniper, and black pepper, a heart of zagare, jasmine, rosewood, and rose, and a base of musk and tonka bean.
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  • FREE Auto renewed after 30 days to a 5€ monthly membership (60€ per year)
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  • Access to more than 1,500 products
  • All products are made in Europe
  • Luxury artisans only
Manufacturing:Handmade in Italy
Our Artisan: Laboratorio Samuel, from Verona, since 1975
category: Luxury Artisan
Manufacturing: Handmade in Italy
Our Artisan: Laboratorio Samuel, from Verona, since 1975
category: Luxury Artisan

We do not make any profit by selling products.

Manufacturer Cost:
Modelling, Materials, Labor, Packaging
Warehousing, Shipment & Return
Invoicing and Customer Service
Transaction cost:
Payment Service Fees
Research, Design and Development
Tax amount
TOTAL: €15,00
Retail mark up:
The traditional retail brands calculate with a retail mark-up between 3-6 times the manufacturer costs depending on the product category.

  • Head: lemon, bergamot, juniper, black pepper / Heart: zagare, jasmine, rose wood, rose / Bottom: musk, tonka bean
  • Do not swallow. Keep away from children’s reach.

Delivery & Returns


Shipping & Return policy

Quality focus

Quality focus


Head: lemon - bergamot - juniper - black pepper / Heart: zagare - jasmine - rose wood - rose / Bottom: musk - tonka bean




Brown Plastic


Zagare & Tonka Bean


More than 40 years of making the highest quality in perfumery and cosmetics

Creativity, technical skills and the burning desire to grow into something more are the secrets that allowed Samuele to turn a small mothball factory, bought in 1977, into a full-fledged perfumery and cosmetics company. With a wide variety of products that range from candles to body oils, Samuele inserted his company within a European and non-European market, spreading the value of made in Italy in the world.


More than 40 years of making the highest quality in perfumery and cosmetics

Creativity, technical skills and the burning desire to grow into something more are the secrets that allowed Samuele to turn a small mothball factory, bought in 1977, into a full-fledged perfumery and cosmetics company. With a wide variety of products that range from candles to body oils, Samuele inserted his company within a European and non-European market, spreading the value of made in Italy in the world.
