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Sneakers in Suede

Sneakers in Suede

Quality is very important in the workmanship of these sneakers. After all, they are handmade in a three-day manufacturing process and thus comes from a long line of Italian shoe craftsmanship from Montenegraro. Elements such as the Italian suede leather in brown were processed in the production facility in Montenegraro.
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  • All products are made in Europe
  • Luxury artisans only
Manufacturing:Handmade in Italy
Our Artisan: Calzaturificio Elisa, from Montegranaro, since 1976
category: Luxury Artisan
Our Shoe manufacturers produce for some of the world's most renowned brands like: Church's, Valentino, Jimmy Choo, Scarosso, Chanel, Dior
Manufacturing: Handmade in Italy
Our Artisan: Calzaturificio Elisa, from Montegranaro, since 1976
category: Luxury Artisan
Our Shoe manufacturers produce for some of the world's most renowned brands like: Church's, Valentino, Jimmy Choo, Scarosso, Chanel, Dior

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Delivery takes 3-6 working days. The product is handmade by our artisans for you! Shipping will take up to 15 working days. 30-day return policy. The product is sold out. Please sign up for the waiting list. The product is handmade by our artisans for you! Shipping will take up to working days. 30-day return policy.

We do not make any profit by selling products.

Manufacturer Cost:
Modelling, Materials, Labor, Packaging
Warehousing, Shipment & Return
Invoicing and Customer Service
Transaction cost:
Payment Service Fees
Research, Design and Development
Tax amount
TOTAL: €165,00
Retail mark up:
The traditional retail brands calculate with a retail mark-up between 3-6 times the manufacturer costs depending on the product category.

  • Italian Suede Leather
  • For perfect suede leather preservation, keep your shoes in a place with minimal exposure to dust and use the ETIQL dust bag.
  • Keep the leather pulled with a shoetree. A horsehair brush can be used to remove any dust that may have settled since you last wore your shoes. All that is required is a very gentle, brief brushing. Use waterproof and brightening spray to make the shoes shine like it were brand new.

Try items in the comfort of your own home. If they're not quite right, you have 30 days to request an exchange or return and send them back to us. You can send them to our warehouse or directly to our store in Hamburg. Some of our products will be shipped directly from our production facilities in Italy to you, or they will be produced only for you on demand. We will inform you about each specific production step that the product will undergo and when it will be dispatched from the manufacturer to be sent directly to you.

Shipping & Return policy

Quality focus

Quality focus


Italian Suede Leather


ETIQL Dust Bag Included




Serena White


Italian Suede Leather


Four decades of craftsmanship and passion for footwear

Founded in 1976 in Montegranaro, Italy, the primary shoe manufacturing region amongst Italian shoemaking artisans. Fast forward to now, Calzaturificio Lancio has kept up the spirit of that time, encapsulating passion, vision and determination in their craftsmanship and work ethos.


Four decades of craftsmanship and passion for footwear

Founded in 1976 in Montegranaro, Italy, the primary shoe manufacturing region amongst Italian shoemaking artisans. Fast forward to now, Calzaturificio Lancio has kept up the spirit of that time, encapsulating passion, vision and determination in their craftsmanship and work ethos.
