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Home New Arrivals Dining Knife with Cow Bone Handle in Stainless Steel

Knife with Cow Bone Handle in Stainless Steel

Knife with Cow Bone Handle in Stainless Steel

Luxury in all its splendour. These are the words that describe this Laguiole knife. Folding, it adopts a compact size of 12 cm when closed. When it is opened, it is no longer its size that surprises you but rather its shape, its style and its entire composition. The composition of the knife is not to be outdone. While the 3 mm thick blade confirms its resistance with its 12C27 stainless steel, the designer has given the handle an even more luxuriant appearance. Its design in cow bone with its milky white colour gives the knife a flashy and original look. Moreover, it becomes more beautiful with time. At the same time, this material gives the tool an impeccable robustness and a certain durability.
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  • All products are made in Europe
  • Luxury artisans only
Manufacturing:Made in France
Our Artisan: Cutlery Philippe, from Laguiole, since 1987
category: Luxury Artisan
Manufacturing: Made in France
Our Artisan: Cutlery Philippe, from Laguiole, since 1987
category: Luxury Artisan

We do not make any profit by selling products.

Manufacturer Cost:
Modelling, Materials, Labor, Packaging
Warehousing, Shipment & Return
Invoicing and Customer Service
Transaction cost:
Payment Service Fees
Research, Design and Development
Tax amount
TOTAL: €225,00
Retail mark up:
The traditional retail brands calculate with a retail mark-up between 3-6 times the manufacturer costs depending on the product category.

  • Stainless Steel Blade
  • Long-lasting product
  • A stainless steel blade can be washed with hot water and dish soap or any other mild soap. Be careful not to use harsh dish soap and do not leave your kitchen knife to air dry. After rinsing your knife with water, dry it with a cotton rag.

Delivery & Returns

3-4 working days

Shipping & Return policy

Quality focus

Quality focus


Delivered in a black gift box with a numbered lifetime warranty




The solid blade-stop and forged bee are hand chased with a file.


Hardness : 54 Hrc


Closed: 12 cm / Open: 21.5 cm


Cow Bone handle


12C27 Stainless steel blade


Legendary French Knives Craftmanship

Cutlery making appeared in Lagiuole in the late 18th century. It's no surprise, then, that this peculiar French city has mastered the art of Knife making. Beautiful tools that surpass their original purpose and become true œuvres d'art, pride of Laguiole's inhabitants. Bringing in your house one of these products, it's bringing in your house a piece of French history. A true masterpiece that bears the mark of centuries of honing knife-making techniques.


Legendary French Knives Craftmanship

Cutlery making appeared in Lagiuole in the late 18th century. It's no surprise, then, that this peculiar French city has mastered the art of Knife making. Beautiful tools that surpass their original purpose and become true œuvres d'art, pride of Laguiole's inhabitants. Bringing in your house one of these products, it's bringing in your house a piece of French history. A true masterpiece that bears the mark of centuries of honing knife-making techniques.
